Thursday, August 2, 2018

Pencil & Paper

Pencil and Paper was an exhibit I did with Katherine Cox to put my tactile paper next to her beautiful pencil drawings.  Our idea was to have a quiet gallery space to contemplate simple things that are evocative.  It is a time in our country where loudness, violence, and disruption are all around us.  This is a moment to take a breath.
Ground Swelling
Ancestor Nest

Artist Statement

Marks, made on paper….
Paper, the receptive understatement….
My work begins in the initial space where fibers float and fall.
Water sloshes and fibers settle randomly on the surface of the papermaker’s screen. Fibers become their own surface, dry, still, enclosing and receiving.

I have never gotten over the magic of the process. Paper, beginning with plant and water, offers itself to industry, to the writer and to the artist. As I work with paper, expressive forms come to me from nature to culture, from paper to personal history.  When I make mulberry paper, I harvest long branches. I steam them until I can peel away the warm bark.  It is brown on the outside, but the inner bark is lustrous. I cook the ivory colored inner bark until it is soft. It comes loose into fibers that float in water. 

As I work I draw on paper’s capacity, wet and dry, to enfold and reveal. 


This wall has drawings by Katherine Cox and two pieces of mine called 'Cells' and 'Still'.
